Q&A with Melissa Belk - GOTR Coach, Donor, and SoleMate


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SSM Health

SSM Health

Health Inspirations: Time outside benefits youth

Caregiver completing the 5K with a child participant on her back on a sweltering day!

If you are a GOTR parent or caregiver, your youth has been spending quality time outside with their coach and teammates this spring. As we move into dog days of Wisconsin summer – hotter temperatures, higher humidity and the dreaded mosquitoes - spending time outside each day may not be quite as appealing. Regardless, it’s important to both our mental and physical health to try spending just a little bit of time outside each day – even as the seasons change.

“There are many benefits of getting out into nature. It’s hardwired into our systems because there is a really primitive response to hearing the birds chirping and feeling the breeze on your face,” says SSM Health Family Physician Dr. Roopa Shah. “Getting out into nature and getting sunlight can help really reset our circadian rhythms for the day which, in fact, can help our overall health, our immune function and also improve our sleep.”

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. “The circadian rhythm regulates metabolism too and just keeps us functioning optimally,” says Dr. Shah. “There are a lot of things involved, but sleep is one of the big benefits that you get from a better circadian rhythm.”

Not only can getting more time outside give you more restful sleep, but peace of mind as well. “We get a little boost of dopamine and serotonin, which are these naturally occurring happy hormones, so we always feel better after going on a nice walk,” says Dr. Shah. 

If you are a GOTR parent, as your child transitions from their weekly time with their GOTR team, be intentional about finding a way for your family to include some outdoor time several times a week – even if just for a few minutes on a short walk up and down your block.

And if a minor illness or injury occurs while enjoying the outdoors, SSM Health’s Express Virtual Care may be a quick and convenient option to consider, allowing you to interact with a provider about your child’s symptoms and generally receive a treatment plan or prescription in less than an hour. Some of the common conditions that can be treated via virtual care include minor cuts and scrapes; sprains; sore throat; fever; insect bites and stings, rashes and other skin conditions.

Express Virtual Care is open to everyone, whether an SSM Health patient or not, and you can choose from one of two online options to access care. The e-Visit allows you to fill out a short online questionnaire and interact with a provider via email. The Video Visit option allows you to connect with a provider via video conference. You can do either from the comfort of your own home from 6 AM to 11 PM, and no insurance is required. You can start an Express Virtual Care visit at ssmhealth.com/express.

Thank you SSM Health for powering  the "Healthy Inspirations" blog series on youth and family health.




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We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

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