Q&A with Melissa Belk - GOTR Coach, Donor, and SoleMate


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Becky Ketarkus

Becky Ketarkus

Meet Isa, Gigi, and Cate, GOTR Superstars

Coach Julia - trained in ASL - with Isa, Cate, and Gigi

GOTR has been AMAZING for our kids with disabilities. The program ensures that Gigi and Isa are fully included in every aspect. GOTR went the extra mile by assigning a Coach with ASL skills, and enlisted Junior Coaches who are activlely learning ASL in school!

Cate does REALLY well at GOTR because the curriculum encourages girls to be exactly who they are. Everyone is so patient with Cate and her not quite neurotypical "quirks" (her description).

Financial support allows our youngest kids to run together on a team, and it ensures that they have full access to the programming with coaches to support them throughout the season and an ASL interpreter on race day. That’s inclusion!!

Cate and Gigi have been able to connect so much more with their heritage. It is fabulous that our Asian American daughters have coaches that share a cultural identity with them. It makes the GOTR experience even more meaningful and important to their healthy identity development.



Gigi and Caitlin ASL F2023

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We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

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